Efficiency, Performance and Impact of Higher Education Institutions
The EPI project agenda involves a huge array of questions about higher education institutions performance, the factors and mechanisms that determine how universities can effectively perform and contribute to socio-economic environments. The study is going to explore, among other things, the efficiency of current and prospective investments in higher education, how internal factors, such as managerial practices, as well as external features of the environment are implicated in university performance.
Associated publications of HSE team members:
Preprint Shibanova E., Agasisti T., Platonova D., Lisyutkin M. THE RUSSIAN EXCELLENCE INITIATIVE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION: AN ECONOMETRIC EVALUATION OF SHORT-TERM RESULTS WP BRP 201/EC/2018 / NRU Higher School of Economics. Series EC "Economics". 2018.
Article Shibanova E., Platonova D., Lisyutkin M. PROJECT 5-100: DYNAMICS AND PATTERNS OF UNIVERSITY DEVELOPMENT (RUS) // University managemen: practice and analysis. 2018. V. 22. № 3. P. 32-48.
Preprint Agasisti T., Egorov A., Zinchenko D., Leshukov O. Universities' Efficiency and Regional Economic Short-run Growth: Empirical Evidence from Russia / NRU Higher School of Economics. Series WP BRP "Economics/EC". 2018.
Join the project
The project team welcomes all researchers interested in the question of higher education institutions performance and efficiency. Please, communicate with Alexey Egorov and Daria Platonova to discuss possible cooperation.
We are inviting MA and PhD students and early-career researchers to join the project. The positions of intern researcher/junior research fellow are open. We welcome economists at the position of research fellows to join the project. For more information please follow the link.
The work team at HSE University Moscow
Junior Research Fellow
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Research Fellow
Laboratory Head
Research Assistant