The Higher School of Economics Laboratory for University Development in Moscow, Russia invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of higher education within three on-going projects.
We welcome motivated scholars with academic background in different disciplines and with strong interest in higher education research. We mainly promote three long-term research projects under the supervision of leading international scholars (overlapping participation is an option):
• Contribution of Higher Education to Individuals and Society: a Comprehensive Accounting (CHE)
• Efficiency, Performance and Impact of Higher Education Institutions (EPI)
• Inequality in Higher Education: High Participation, Diversity and the State (EHI)
General conditions for Post-Doctoral Research positions can be found here. Appointments will be normally made for one year. A CV and research statement should be submitted via online application form (link filled by International faculty support) two letters of recommendation should be submitted by the referees directly by February 15, 2019. Please note that direct applications to the hiring laboratory may not be reviewed.
Job Descriptions
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Postdoc in CHE project
What are we expecting?
- Strong background in theoretical and empirical work in at least one social science discipline,
- Strong analytical skills and good writing skills,
- Ability to carry out research to meet standards of high-ranked academic journals,
- Interest in the subject of higher education,
- Ability to work in a team.
The Job involves:
- Conducting research at the research project in cooperation with international scholars aiming at book publication;
- Elaboration of theoretical frameworks and empirical strategies for the research;
- Publishing papers in peer-reviewed international academic journals,
- Public presentations at conferences and workshops,
- Participation in other Lab’s activities (e.g. teaching, organization of academic events, etc.).
Postdoc in EPI project
What are we expecting?
- Ph.D. degree in economics/statistics/operations research/related fields
- A strong background and an established research record both in conceptual and empirical work in economics of education;
- Strong analytical, mathematical and computational skills,
- Ability to carry out research to meet standards of high-ranked academic journals (including ability to use R/Stata/similar software),
- Interest in the subject of higher education
- Ability to work in a team
The Job involves:
- Elaboration of theoretical frameworks and empirical strategies for the research,
- Publishing papers in peer-reviewed international academic journals,
- Public presentations at conferences and workshops,
- Participation in other Lab’s activities (e.g. teaching, organization of academic events, etc.).
Postdoc in EHI project
What are we expecting?
- Ph.D. degree in sociology, economics, political science preferred
- A strong background in conceptual and empirical work (preferably in economics or in sociology of education),
- Strong analytical skills, high level of quantitative research skills is preferable,
- Ability to carry out research to meet standards of high-ranked academic journals,
- Interest in the subject of higher education,
- Ability to work in a team.
The Job involves:
- Conducting research at the international research project in cooperation with international scholars aiming at book publication;
- Elaboration of theoretical frameworks and empirical strategies for the research,
- Publishing papers in peer-reviewed international academic journals,
- Public presentations at conferences and workshops
- Participation in other Lab’s activities (e.g. teaching, organization of scientific events, etc.).