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Laboratory for University Development

Promoting data-driven modernisation of universities

Strategic Development of Universities

This priority focuses on strategy, organizational culture and life cycles of the Russian universities. It includes academic research as well as consulting projects for higher education institutions.

Key areas of academic research:

  • International competitiveness. In this area we are interested in excellence-driven policies in different countries. We study changes of day-to-day university policy because of participation in excellence initiatives, planning, launching, and results of these programs. In addition to these topics we research dynamics of development and heterogeneity of universities participating in Russian excellence initiative “5-100”.
  • Resource dynamics and stratification. Number of accessible resources are highly important for university strategic development. This project starts from the opinion that financial state as well as attainment level of students and staff affect university efficiency in the long view. That is why we are examining possible reasons for university resource base decline. Resource stratification unfolds one of the possible grounds for inter-organizational inequality in Russian higher education system.
  • University mergers in Russia happen according to different aims of state policy. It affects both federal and regional higher education systems. Moreover mergers change personal experience of a student. This area joins research projects on mergers policy and personal experience.


We are working on following consulting projects:

  1. Strategies and development programs for universities and their departments, roadmaps for implementation of strategy.
  2. Development strategies for regional and industry-oriented higher education systems
  3. Analysis of dynamics of university development with application of quantitative and qualitative methods
  4. Elaboration of ways for universities to contribute in social and economic development of regions and cities, where they are situated.



Associated publications of HSE team members:


Romanenko K., Lisyutkin M.University Mergers in Russia: Waves of Educational Policy / Пер. с рус. // Russian Education and Society . 2017. Vol. 59 (in print)


Lisyutkin M,On Possible Reasons for University Resource Base Decline // Voprosy obrazovania / Educational Studies Moscow. 2017. № 2. С. 74-94.

Lisyutkin M.,Froumin I. How Do Universities Degrade? Toward a Formulation of the Problem // Russian Education and Society. 2015. No. 6. P. 442-458.

Froumin I., Lisyutkin M.Excellence-driven Policies and Initiatives in the Context of Bologna Process: Rationale, Design, Implementation and Outcomes, in: The European Higher Education Area. Between Critical Reflections and Future Policies . L. : Springer International Publishing AG, 2015. P. 257-275.

Romanenko K., Kozlov D.,Leshukov O., Lisyutkin M.,Platonova D., Semenov D. Modern Educational Analytics Issue 2: International experience of university mergers. Moscow : National Research University Higher School of Economics, 2015 (in Russian).


Finished projects




The work team at HSE

Alexey Egorov

Junior Research Fellow

Ekaterina Shibanova

Research Assistant

Oleg Leshukov

Research Fellow

Ekaterina Abalmasova

Research Assistant

Farida Zagirova


Alexander Klyagin

Leading Expert