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Laboratory for University Development

Promoting data-driven modernisation of universities


The effects of reforms and policies in higher education


The contribution of universities to socio-economic development


The strategic development of universities and higher education systems

An Outline of Our Studies


    How higher education influences society and individuals. The contribution it makes to the economy, politics, culture, and public life both in Russia and abroad.


    The specific factors that determine the accessibility of higher education. How the structure of the education system and changes within are related to the accessibility of educational opportunities. Comparative studies on institutional differentiation of higher education systems and educational opportunities in the tertiary sector.


    Evaluation of the performance of universities. The effects of state reforms and context changes on the efficiency and effectiveness of universities. How university management affects performance.


    How the unified Soviet model of higher education has been transformed in 15 former Soviet countries. University research capacity in post-soviet countries: exploring policies and practices of research capacity development.

Consulting and Expertise


Strategies and development programmes for universities and their subdivisions, roadmaps for strategy implementation


Development strategies for higher education systems in specific regions and industries


The dynamics of university development using quantitative and qualitative research methods


Various methods and opportunities for participation of higher education institutions in the socio-economic development of regions and cities

Research Projects

  • Data-driven governance: big data in analysing youth educational migration based on digital footprints

    Research on the specifics, directions, and influencing factors of educational migration in Russia based on the digital footprints of young people

  • Production function of Russian HEIs: analysis of features, structure, and changes

    Analysis of the internal process performance in HEIs, their changes and determinants. Analysis of HEI activity structure taking into account the heterogeneity of the contingent, their trajectories, and career expectations. Analysis of HEI performance factors in terms of students' educational success.

  • Educational success of Russian university students

    Comprehensive analysis of the educational (non)success rate of students of Russian universities in terms of assessing the scale of success and unsuccessfulness and related factors. Development of proposals to improve the educational success rate of students.

  • Analysis of access to higher education and its relationship with interregional educational and labour migration of young people in the Russian Federation

    Assessment of regional differences in the accessibility of higher education, identification of the causes and consequences of spatial heterogeneity. Identification of the relationship between the accessibility of higher education in the subjects of the Russian Federation with the normative provision of budgetary places and the consequences of educational migration of young people. Identification of regional groups by the level of access to higher education, the scale of youth migration, and the quality of admission to universities.

  • Institutional role of HEIs in shaping student trajectories

    Analysis of institutional factors involved in the formation of educational migration flows of Russian youth. Analysis of the availability of educational opportunities and differentiation of educational and career trajectories. Analysis of student dropout predictors and the development of predictive models of attrition. Analysis of individual management practices in university performance.

  • Results of university activities and their contribution to social development

    Generalisation and conceptualisation of the contribution of higher education in the perspective of social theories. Analysis of accessibility factors of higher education and educational achievements of university students. Analysis of the effectiveness of higher education institutions in Russia: the relationships between performance and efficiency indicators and managerial practices in Russian HEIs.

Commercial Projects

Educational programmes with the participation of laboratory experts


Niyaz Gabdrakhmanov

Laboratory Head

Alexander Klyagin

Deputy Head, Chief Expert

Daria Platonova

Senior Research Fellow

Malinovskiy Sergey

Senior Research Fellow

Ekaterina Shibanova

Research Fellow

Pavel Serebrennikov

Junior Research Fellow

Anton Vorochkov


Sergey Gavrilov

Research Fellow

Syldysmaa Saryglar

Research Fellow

Victoria Slepyh

Junior Research Fellow

Anna Panova

Senior Research Fellow

Ekaterina Maslova

Research Assistant

Tatiana Akuneeva

Research Assistant

Evgeny Zhiltsov

Research Assistant

Yana Alekseeva


Vladimir Krestinin

Research Assistant

Ilya Zakharov

Research Assistant

Assiya Dikanbayeva

Research Assistant


  • Book

    Assessing the Contributions of Higher Education: Knowledge for a Disordered World

    What is ‘higher education’ and what does it do for persons, organisations, communities, cities, nations and the world? What difference does it make? How do we know? While these questions and others related to the contributions or effects of higher or tertiary education are discussed across the world, there is no agreement on what are those contributions. The higher education sector is connected to most other parts of society, and it is often difficult or impossible to isolate its discrete causal effects. In some quarters a disabling thinking prevails. Higher education is modelled as if all that this vast sector produces is measurable earnings benefits for individual graduates and new research-based products for globally competitive industry. Yet graduate earnings are partly shaped outside education, by family background and economic fluctuations; and higher education not only augments careers, it immerses students in knowledge, and it helps to shape them as people, and has many other individual and collective-social outcomes, as Assessing the contributions of higher education will show. Still, the fact that radical simplifications dominate this debate is not surprising. It is difficult to grasp the full range of what the sector does. There is no universal template and no comprehensive account. Perceptions of what higher education is vary according to beliefs about government and society, and the disciplinary or purposive lens used to view the sector, not to mention the interests at stake. Is both a common and comprehensive understanding possible, and if so, how? That question repeatedly returns during this book.

    Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.

  • Article

    Romanenko K.

    Tertiary Education in Single-Industry Towns: Vocationalisation and Controversial Social Role

    This paper explores the social role of tertiary education institutions in post-Soviet single-industry towns, where local development hinges on specific industries. The research methodology involved studying the perceptions of the dynamics of education-industry cooperation and student educational trajectories and educational choice. The data, collected during a field trip to five single-industry towns of the Ural region, comprise interviews with tertiary education institutions faculty, industry representatives, and students. Sixty interviews supplemented with official documents were analysed with the help of grounded theory and discourse analysis. Three main tertiary education models were identified: a multi-campus university, a private engineering university, and an educational centre at an industrial company. Such institutions offer vocational and higher education and professional development programmes, while industry makes a crucial contribution to their strategical management, curriculum, and infrastructure. Students explained their educational trajectories by the cultural narratives of ‘reliability and care’, ‘organised leisure’, ‘family legacy’, and ‘duty and predestination’. Tertiary education in these towns supports local development by supplying skilled labour and retaining young people, but it can also limit their opportunities and blur the lines between vocational and higher education.

    Journal of Vocational Education and Training. 2025. Vol. 77. No. 1. P. 185-206.

  • Book chapter

    Panova A., Slepyh V.

    Science or industry: Improving the quality of the Russian higher education system

    In bk.: Vocation, Technology & Education. Vol. 1. Iss. 4. Shenzhen Polytechnic University, 2024.

  • Working paper

    Egorov A., Agasisti T., Serebrennikov P.

    How Do The Characteristics Of The Environment Influence University Efficiency? Evidence From A Conditional Efficiency Approach

    This paper explores the black box behind efficiency measurements in higher education and define the determinants of university efficiency. Particularly, it investigates how the efficiency of universities is affected by the characteristics of the territory in which they operate. We propose an analysis that combines two perspectives: 1) the resource dependence theory, suggesting that the location of university can determine the amount of resources available to it; 2) institutional isomorphism, according to which the characteristics of other higher education institutions located in the same area may shape the university production function and the efficiency of its operations. In order to test this framework we use the data on Russian universities and non-parametric conditional order-m efficiency estimator with two categories of exogenous variables. The first group includes the social, economic and cultural characteristics of the region where the university is located. The second set includes the characteristics of other higher education institutions located in the same region. Our findings highlight that the managerial efficiency of universities is strongly associated with the characteristics of the environment in which they operate

    Economics/EC. WP BRP. Высшая школа экономики, 2020. No. 238.

All publications