Report "University Campuses and the City: Cooperation for Competitiveness"

Комментарий заведующиего проектно-учебной лабораторией «Развитие университетов» Олега Лешукова к докладу про университетские кампусы в России.

The term "campus," which translates from Latin as "field," became the primary term for describing university building complexes several centuries ago, replacing the word "yard," which was previously more commonly used for universities located in urban spaces. Interestingly, today we are witnessing a global trend of campuses returning to urban and regional life, increasing their engagement in urban development. There are fewer cases of universities developing according to the "ivory tower" model, isolated from their surroundings. Universities are viewed as effective tools for city development, attracting many students and researchers who create a vibrant and appealing environment that fosters innovation. Both foreign and domestic research shows that the positive effects of universities are most pronounced at the local level.

At the same time, having modern, convenient infrastructure is a necessary condition for the sustainable development of a university and a factor in attracting the best students and faculty from around the world. Moreover, studies indicate that students on campuses tend to achieve better educational outcomes. As a result, contemporary campuses have become the absolute standard for global universities.

This report proposes to explore options for integrating universities and cities in Russia, with a particular focus on projects aimed at creating and developing attractive and "open" campuses for the city. This complex task requires the involvement of multiple stakeholders—including universities, investors and businesses, federal and regional government authorities, city residents, non-profit organizations, and others. I am confident that this report will serve as a foundation for a broad discussion on the directions of cooperation between universities and cities.

Full version of the report